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4 Reasons Why You Must Have An Email Signature

Written by Daniel Yim | Dec 31, 2018 10:13:00 AM

Have you already sent tons of Christmas and New Year e-cards to your business partners and customers?

And I guess your business website, blog or social media portal are ready?  

Cool! Now let's have a quick check. So you should have maximized and relayed the seasonal greeting emails to your email readers to visit your sites or contact you … No? Why not?

Why Email Signature?

Every creative person needs to have the right tools in order to cope with everyday tasks, produce inspired contents and promote their products or services. Sometimes, the little things and instruments from the unlikeliest sources can be the key to the business. It is the small details that make up the big picture.

Well, fortunately, when you are using Outlook, you can transform your email signature into a reader-magnet. Just think of the fact that you and all your colleagues send countless emails daily. And of course, an email signature is one of our favorite tools — a small detail that can make a big difference and help to cope with some challenges. According to the number of testimonials, the signature works for all network users, startups and big companies. And this fact inspires us to action!

With an email signature, you can spend a small percentage of your budget on creating content that can promote your brand, inspire your recipients, connect with new customers and entertain your future leads. You don’t have to send an additional information and contact details every time. You can include all the necessary information in your signature and enjoy the time saved.

Moreover, email signatures are very effective on leaving a lasting impression on an audience. These can be used by anyone, from a casual internet user to a big business corporation, to grab the attention of the people they engaged with. Therefore, seeking the best possible email signature is important, as it allows you to always stay in a good position of interest from your audience as it is not only professional but also simple.



If So, Why Not?

Inconsistent Branding - You spend time and money designing logos, signage and business cards. But when it comes to email, your branding is often nowhere to be found, or leave to the whims of individuals. Outlook supports each user to create his/her own email signature while marketing department could have designed a standard template requiring each colleagues to comply with. However, have you still received emails from your colleagues without proper email signature setup and not adhere to the marketing's requirement? Would it be much more convenient to identify the contact information or the title of counterpart strictly from their incoming emails, instead of the need to probe through lengthy email communication or indirectly through third party? Leaving individual employees to be in charge of their email signatures can result in frustratingly inconsistent branding on emails to your company.

Legally Non-Compliance - Providing detailed information about your company is often required by law. Other than that, well-written disclaimers protect your confidentiality and assert company’s safety in many cases. Including them also generates a transparent, trustworthy corporate image to your clients. Are you confident that every email being sent from your organization is compliant with the law? Although Outlook allows either individual to add the required disclaimer at their client-end, or IT admin can add text-based disclaimer at the bottom of each outgoing email, either individual could miss out such required action, or they could remove it at each individual email level, or the disclaimer can only be universal but not specified to any conditions subject to sending department, email content or detected attachment. Any missing or inappropriate disclaimer could drag the company into unnecessary legal liabilities.

Missing Out on Ad Space - The space above and below your email text is valuable, but rarely utilized, ad real estate! It could be the best way for marketer to deliver various kinds of business information to every business partners, channels, suppliers and customers. It could be new product introduction, seasonal big sales offers, announcement of upcoming conference, invitation of recruiting new partnership, highlights of new updates on latest blog, any new release of whitepapers, latest customer compliment of company services, or simply link to the news about the company, etc. Paying SEM or SEO digital marketing is costly, while it costs you nothing to promote if you know how to effectively use your email signature! However, Outlook or other email systems does not provide e-Banner functions to support email advertisement, that is really a waste of such precious ad space.

Ignoring Other Devices - People are using Outlook on multiple computers and even though emails sync beautifully between all devices, their email signatures do not. With so many devices nowadays in use by each employee, such as their notebooks, tablets, and mobiles at workspace and at home, it can be easy to forget and not easy to set up some devices to have consistent email signatures. There are also some additional restrictions of particular email clients. For instance, signature design capabilities are often narrowed down to pre-fixed items. Finally, without access to HTML source code, it is hard to finely-tune the signature so that it is displayed well on every recipient’s screen.

It's Good, but, How?

Without worry of implementing any complicated IT project, there is indeed proven solution to turn Outlook into a powerful e-marketing tool. For example, Crossware is one of the best to solve it all.

It is an email signature software application that automatically adds compliant, personalized and attractive email signatures to all emails. These signatures may include disclaimers, logos, graphics and advertising banners that can be randomized or targeted to specific recipients.

Companies send thousands of emails every day, therefore it is vital to ensure that each email displays your brand image as well as the appropriate contact details and disclaimer information.

Such solution is used by many leading organizations around the world. They all care about the perception of their brands from customers, and are aware of the business risks surrounding disclaimers and legal disclosures. This is needed regardless how small or big they are, it can be ranging from 10 users right up to corporate deployments with in excess of 25,000 users. It is priced per user per month, so it is affordable for all organisations without need of capex investment. It has been adopted by over thousands of organisations with more than 1,000,000 combined email users worldwide.

By using it, IT management can save a huge amount of time by managing your entire organisation’s email signatures from one central database. Marketing can get the maximum out of your branding budget by ensuring that every email will convey your organisation’s professional brand image and advertisements. Most of all, from legal perspective, every single email from any device will be compliant with your correct disclaimer details.


Superhub Point of Views Associated with our Products/Services:

- Superhub is looking forward to bringing you these new ways to achieve more from using Microsoft services to unlock creativity and advance security.

- Superhub has full spectrum of 365+ services with inclusive bundled Email Signature services to assist and support customers for cloud transformation journey.

- Email Signature services can also be available to purchase from our online marketplace, sales and partner channels.